Do We Want Power?

 A FB friend posted this opinion with which I agree:

Another respondent posted this query: "Do we really want power?"

My response:

Brother, Thanks for your question. 

We DO WANT POWER - deep down. The psychic brutality of oppression over the years has engendered a fear of the oppressor and a belief that we can't have it, so we suppress the real desire to take our freedom. We seek and accept the garnering oppressor's approval as a surrogate. 

To protect ourselves psychically, we accept manipulated "wants" designed to help us cover the fear, and to compensate for the injected beliefs that we're not enough! Why is this important? 

We must know where to put the healing salve - to heal the (fear-based) wounds, and how to replace the injected beliefs. As we do, the real quest for power to change our condition will emerge. Observation and criticism are important and alone are not sufficient. 

In fact, such criticism without strategy and daily action to heal and build us is only reflective of our losing or having lost faith in us too. 

  • When we lose faith in us - even with all our woundedness - it's game over. 
  • When we have faith, but no strategies to rebuild ourselves, our families, our people - it's game over. Short of either, we might as well join the Eurocentric suicide march of social-level domination and delusion to hide the march to suicide. 

We're all we've got. And we're enough! We have to choose to make our communication between us become healing touches instead of burning torches - even when we disagree. We need measure success for ourselves just as our ancestors did.

Medase for your question.
