Key learning- My key learning was fractals because at first
I didn't know what fractals were but when we started talking
more about what fractals are I started to understand more.
more about what fractals are I started to understand more.
Most difficult- The most difficult thing was drawing
the Ba-lla village because when you were drawing if you had to add a whole bunch of big circles and small circles in a bigger circle that doesn't close all the way.
the Ba-lla village because when you were drawing if you had to add a whole bunch of big circles and small circles in a bigger circle that doesn't close all the way.
Easiest- The easiest thing was drawing a basic and advanced
Apollonian gasket because basically all you had to do for
the basic Apollonian gasket you just had to make a circle with medium and small size circles inside of it and for the advanced Apollonian gasket, you just had to do a square with big circles, medium circles, and small circles inside of it.
Most Enjoyable- My most enjoyable thing was drawing the Koch snowflake because to me it had iteration that goes on and on for forever that looked cool.
Key learnings- My key learnings were learning about the lunar
eclipse, winter solstice, summer solstice, and the blood moon because their all talking about the moon, sun, and the earth.
eclipse, winter solstice, summer solstice, and the blood moon because their all talking about the moon, sun, and the earth.
Most difficult- The most difficult thing was telling about the 43 zodiac signs. Some of the zodiac signs are
Leo( lion) Taurus (Bull) Ursa Major (Great Bear) Ursa Minor
(Little Bear).
(Little Bear).
Easiest- The most easiest thing was telling was a SuperNova
is because some people might not know what a SuperNova. A
SuperNova is is a star that suddenly increases greatly in brightness because of a catastrophic explosion that ejects most of its mass.
is because some people might not know what a SuperNova. A
SuperNova is is a star that suddenly increases greatly in brightness because of a catastrophic explosion that ejects most of its mass.
Most enjoyable- My most enjoyable thing is making my solar
oven because of it when you're trying to orient your project to the sun you have to make sure the sun is actually shining on what you're melting on order for it to melt.
oven because of it when you're trying to orient your project to the sun you have to make sure the sun is actually shining on what you're melting on order for it to melt.
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